In The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margret Atwood, is a story that I quite honestly am confused as the history to why this mysterious army has taken over. What has happened in the U.S. to allow this sort of behavior to occur? At first, it sounds as if a cult has begun because of a war, then it seems the time period is not clear, only when Offred recalls the past does one get a sense that it is of the future. Although this was written in the 1980’s, Atwood’s use of satire allows it to be viewed as a modern day occurrence. I want to learn more about how a known feminist writer would conjure up such a world where women are oppressed, why the use of satire to express it?
I plan on focusing my topic on a feminist route with emphasis on the use of satire and its appeal to a reader. This may prove to be difficult, therefore, I may lean more towards one over the other. I suppose I can say, I’m indecisive on how I perceive Atwood’s style of literature, in particular The Handmaid’s Tale. My hope is that I discover that she is a sarcastic feminist, is such a thing may exist. It seems to me she is poking fun, or mocking the story of Rachel and Jacob, the belief that one would die if they did not procreate and that another woman will bare Rachel children. Why have woman defined themselves on their ability to be barren? Is that why the women in the story are banned from owning their intelligence?
I am most intrigued by how a feminist is able write such a story with its vivid character Offred. I have also wondered if Atwood has modeled her personality with that of Moira’s. I hope to discover more about Atwood and what brought her to imagine such a tale. Was she inspired by any headlines of 1985, was it her surroundings that gave her a landscape? I suppose I can focus on the historical reference to Jacob and Rachel’s disillusion. I have found this topic proposal to be more of a journal, a reflection of my thoughts, and I see that feminism/satire were what gripped my enthusiasm, however, it is the reference of Jacob and Rachel that fascinate me the most.
**Image provided by google and video by youtube
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